
cheezezz's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 162 (From 35 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 2,880 Points

Arsenal Online

Medals Earned: 2/8 (10/255 points)

Kills I 5 Points

Get 10 kills

Headshots I 5 Points

Get 10 headshots

Kills II 10 Points

Get 100 kills

Kills III 25 Points

Get 1,000 kills

Headshots II 10 Points

Get 100 headshots

Headshots III 50 Points

Get 1,000 headshots

Expert 100 Points

Earn 4 stars for all game modes

Royalty 50 Points

Prestige your profile

awesome calculator

Medals Earned: 7/8 (65/90 points)

First 5 Points

first time calculating

IDK 5 Points


Get it. Lol 5 Points

what is 9 plus 10

times 5 5 Points

calculate 5 times

times 10 10 Points

calculate 10 times

cupan 10 Points

find the cupan

times 20 25 Points

r u ok

cantalupe 25 Points

get random cantaloupe result


Medals Earned: 6/13 (50/220 points)

Good Night 5 Points

Welcome to Beamsy's Dreams!

Cute Frog 5 Points

Complete stage 1

A+ 10 Points

Complete stage 2

Deep Space 10 Points

Complete stage 3

I LOVE YOU! 10 Points

Score 25 points on stage 1

No hints here! 10 Points

Score 30 points on stage 2

Dear God 5 Points

Try out Bimsy's Remix

Oh yes. 10 Points

Try out Beamsy's Hell

True gamer 25 Points

Score 35 points on stage 3

Bimsy's Soul 25 Points

Score 50 points in Bimsy's Remix

WOW! 50 Points

Score 100 points in Bimsy's Remix

Beamsy's Blessing 50 Points

Score 38 points on Beamsy's Hell

Lone Cowboy 5 Points

Slow the game down a whoooole lot.

Binding of Isaac DEMO

Medals Earned: 4/5 (110/160 points)

Basement 10 Points

kill the first boss

Master of Sins 25 Points

find and kill a miniboss

Money well spent 25 Points

buy somethign in the shop

Cave 50 Points

Kill the second boss

Secret room 50 Points

find it

Castle Crashing the Beard

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/155 points)

Whiskered Away 5 Points

Level Up once.

Fabulous! 25 Points

Reach the maxed out level.

Graven Image 25 Points

Win without hitting a gravestone.

Power Razor 25 Points

Win without losing a life.

The Fast and the Furriest 25 Points

Defeat The Beard in less than 4 minutes (8160 frames)

Beat to a Fulp 50 Points

Defeat The Beard

Death To The Humans!

Medals Earned: 8/8 (490/490 points)

Scouter Launched! 5 Points

Launch a scout ship

Let's Get Ready To Rumble! 10 Points

Launch a fighter ship

Bomb's Away! 25 Points

Launch a bomber ship

Frig Off! 50 Points

Launch a frigate ship

All Guns Blazing 100 Points

Launch a cruiser ship

The Gang's All Here 100 Points

Have 15 ships of each class at launched at once

Mouse Breaker 100 Points

Click 10,000 times

Wow! 8 Billion Is A Lot! 100 Points

Complete the game

Earth Taken

Medals Earned: 12/20 (155/460 points)

Alien Hunter 5 Points

Kill 8 Aliens

Kaboom! 5 Points

Blow up 3 cars

9 Millimeter 10 Points

Fully upgrade your pistol

Gas Mask Max 10 Points

Fully upgrade your gas mask

Health Nut 10 Points

Fully upgrade your health

Hero 10 Points

Save 3 survivors

Scare Crow 10 Points

Kill 10 crows

Shhh! 10 Points

Find 1 secret area

Vandal 10 Points

Shoot out 10 lights

Alienator 25 Points

Kill 111 aliens

Hobo! 25 Points

Trash 54 trashcans

Savior 25 Points

Save 11 survivors

Blastman 10 Points

Fully upgrade your shotgun

Pyro 10 Points

Fully upgrade your flame thrower

SMG Bursts 10 Points

Fully upgrade your sub machine gun

Biiig Badaboom! 25 Points

Blow up 15 cars

18 50 Points

Find all 18 secret areas

Murder Of 50 Points

Kill 50 crows

Vampire 50 Points

Shoot out 128 lights

Only The Start 100 Points

Complete all chapters

Five Night at Freddy's PG 3 part.1

Medals Earned: 6/17 (50/325 points)

Chica 5 Points

meet Chica

Decisions 5 Points

say something!

How intense! 5 Points

complete the night 1

Poison Attack 5 Points

use the poison attack

What a nice guy 5 Points

meet Puppet

New Power 25 Points

receive the Freddy's gift

That's love 5 Points

being kissed by Springtrap

Broken 10 Points

this is the end

That's my Boy! 10 Points

make a combo

Orange 25 Points


PerfectChica 100 Points

Beat Chica without damage

PerfectFreddy 100 Points

Beat Freddy without damage

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/325 points)

Down Unda' 5 Points

Open up the game

Dying Trash Man 5 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Defeated Cunts 25 Points

Survive the Blokes and Slimes

Totally Chill! 25 Points

Complete the game on "chill" difficulty

Good Job Ya Wanker! 50 Points

Complete the game on "normal" difficulty

Bloody Try Harder 100 Points

Complete the game on "Spicy" difficulty

Cravin' for Punches! 10 Points

Deal the last blow to the sheila boss using your fists

PUB FEED!! 100 Points

Don't get hit once!

head hunting.

Medals Earned: 5/5 (225/225 points)

The top climber 50 Points

Beat the game

Bread 25 Points

You found bread!

Spoon 25 Points

You found spoon!

Fork 25 Points

You found fork!

Got his lunch 100 Points

Collect all 3 lunch items